A Prairie Mother’s Day


Last Mother’s Day most of my family was out of town, so my daughter and I drove out to the prairie in search of the Abbott Church. After 123 miles and a few dirt roads we found this old church sitting quietly upon a hill overlooking the prairie. This has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. While I was taking photos, a woman arrived with a bouquet of wildflowers to place on one of the few graves off to the north side. As she was leaving she curiously inquired about my interest in the church, and then I asked about her visit to the tiny gravesite. Seems this woman had lost her 12 year old daughter in a car accident the day after Mother’s Day, May 13, 2002. We chatted quite awhile about the changes to Colorado since we were both young girls, our children, and then she asked if I wanted to see the inside of the church. The Abbott Church was built in 1913 DHD, “during the homestead days.” Inside there were tiny wooden pews, lace curtains on the windows and a very old organ. Denise then showed me some photographs of herself as a young girl hanging on a wall inside the church, and told me stories of growing up out here and her life her now. Such a lovely serendipitous day. I will return to the Abbott Church soon.

“The prairie skies can always make you see more than what you believe.” -Jackson Burnet


Abbott Church
Inside the Abbott Church

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